

Receiving a premature ovarian insufficiency diagnosis can be a life-altering experience that brings with it a host of challenges and uncertainties. POI is typically used to mean menopause that comes well before the average age of normal menopause and affects women physically, emotionally, and socially. As the years pass after receiving such a diagnosis, individuals may find themselves grappling with a multitude of difficulties. These challenges may include physical symptoms, fertility concerns, psychological adjustments, and a reshaping of identity and self-image. Navigating through the complexities of life after a premature ovarian insufficiency diagnosis can be a daunting journey, but it is one that many resilient women undertake with strength and determination. This new page delves into the troubles that can be faced in the years following a premature ovarian insufficiency diagnosis, shedding light on the unique struggles, and offering insights on how to cope and thrive amidst adversity.


Challenges in Society

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) is a medical condition described for the loss of ovarian function before the age of 40. This diagnosis brings with it many challenges that go beyond the physical aspects of the condition. As part of our ‘POI: Years On’ series, we will explore the various challenges faced by individuals diagnosed with POI regarding societal perceptions, emotional well-being, and reproductive options years after diagnosis. Understanding these challenges and sharing such information can help to raise further awareness for POI and help others that have been diagnosed and at similar stages of their lives.

Societal Perceptions and Stigma: One of the significant challenges faced by people diagnosed with POI is the societal perceptions and stigma surrounding the condition. POI is often misunderstood and unheard of, and individuals diagnosed with it may encounter scepticism or lack of awareness about their condition. This lack of understanding can lead to feelings of isolation and alienation for those diagnosed, as others may struggle to understand the emotional and physical impact of the diagnosis. Such misconceptions can also enable a sense of shame or guilt, worsening the challenges faced by those with POI.

Emotional Well-being and Psychological Impact: The diagnosis of POI can have a profound emotional impact on people diagnosed. The sudden loss of fertility, often associated with POI, can cause grief, anxiety, and depression. The societal emphasis on “traditional gender roles” and expectations surrounding motherhood can amplify these emotional struggles. Individuals may face pressure from family, friends, or society to conform to societal norms, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness. The psychological toll of POI must not be underestimated, and individuals require support and understanding to navigate these complex emotions.

Reproductive Options and Decision-making: A diagnosis of POI presents unique challenges for individuals who desire to have biological children. The loss of ovarian function can greatly impact fertility, making conception difficult or impossible without medical intervention. Fertility treatments such as IVF or donor egg/surrogacy options may be viable, but they often involve complex processes, financial burdens, and emotional stress. Moreover, accessing these options may vary depending on geographic location, financial resources, or cultural factors, further worsening the challenges faced by those with POI.

Healthcare Disparities and Support: Accessing adequate healthcare and support is crucial for individuals with POI. Unfortunately, healthcare inequalities exist, and people may encounter difficulties in finding knowledgeable healthcare professionals, receiving appropriate treatment options, or accessing emotional support services. The lack of specialised care and the limited awareness among medical professionals about POI can create additional hurdles in the journey towards managing the condition effectively. It is essential to bridge these gaps to provide comprehensive care and support to those diagnosed with POI.

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency poses numerous challenges in society, extending beyond the physical impact of the condition. People diagnosed with POI can face societal perceptions, stigma, emotional distress, and complex reproductive choices. As well as, limited support from medical professionals which can further contribute to the challenges they encounter. By raising awareness of POI, fostering empathy and understanding, and providing accessible resources such as the information found on our website, we can work towards building a more inclusive society that understands, supports, and empowers individuals with POI.


Infertility and Societal Expectations

Coping with infertility after POI can be emotionally distressing, as individuals can struggle with complex emotions, societal expectations, and a re-evaluation of their personal aspirations.

One thing that you may have to face post diagnosis is coping with friends or family pregnancies. This can be a complex and an emotionally challenging experience, seeing loved ones embark on the journey of parenthood can bring a mix of emotions, including happiness for them alongside feelings of envy, sadness, and even resentment. It is important to remember that these emotions are normal and valid.

One way to cope is by openly communicating with friends and family about your own struggles and feelings. Sharing your story can help them understand your perspective and foster empathy. It is also crucial to set boundaries and take breaks when needed. If attending baby showers or gatherings centred around pregnancy becomes overwhelming, it is acceptable to decline invitations or participate in ways that feel comfortable for you. Seeking support from the Daisy Network, a counsellor or joining a support group can be invaluable, as they can provide a safe space for you to feel understood, share experiences and gain coping strategies. Additionally, focusing on self-care and finding outlets for emotional release, such as journaling, exercise, or engaging in hobbies, can also help during difficult times. Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and it is important to prioritize your own well-being.

The same applies to witnessing friends and family members becoming grandparents. It is natural to feel a mix of happiness for them whilst also experiencing a sense of longing and sadness for the experiences that you may not have. The arrival of grandchildren may serve as a reminder of the biological aspects of parenthood that you may not be able to partake in. It is important to acknowledge and validate these emotions, allowing yourself the space to grieve the loss of the envisioned path to grandparenthood. Open and honest communication with your friends about your feelings can help them understand your perspective and foster empathy and remember that you can always seek help from the Daisy Network during these difficult times.


Coming off HRT

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been a lifeline for many women diagnosed with POI, offering relief from symptoms, and maintaining hormonal balance. However, there comes a time when discontinuing HRT becomes a consideration.

As the years go by, the decision to discontinue HRT may gradually take shape. Personal factors, such as health goals, lifestyle changes, and future plans, play an important role in making this choice. For some, the desire for a more natural menopause experience or concerns about potential long-term effects of HRT may influence their decision. The guidance and support of healthcare professionals are essential during this process. A qualified healthcare provider can offer insights, address concerns, and provide a roadmap to ensure a smooth transition. However, embracing life without HRT can be a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s not uncommon to experience a resurgence of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, night sweats, and mood swings.

Furthermore, without the hormonal support of HRT, the body goes through significant adjustments. Bone health and cardiovascular concerns may require special attention so adopting a healthier lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help support the body’s natural processes. Being taken off HRT can evoke a feeling of loss, especially if HRT has been a companion throughout your journey of managing POI. However, it’s crucial to remember that one’s identity is not solely defined by hormonal interventions and we are here if you need to speak to someone at any point, remember that you are not alone on this journey.

Being taken off HRT years after being diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency is optional and marks a new chapter in your journey of womanhood. Emotions may rise and fall, and adjustments may need to be made, but remember that you are strong and capable of navigating this transition. With the guidance of healthcare professionals and the support of the Daisy Network and those who have walked a similar path, you are capable of many things as you have been throughout your entire journey.

More Information

POI after Diagnosis Information Sheet 

Coping with Infertility Information Sheet